

Our mission is simple:

Using the Functional Patterns methodology, we want to teach people how to train and move pain free so they can be in the best shape of their life… for the rest of their life.


When we think about it, it’s pretty hard (impossible, even) for someone to permanently fix their body’s faulty patterns and constantly evolve on their own if they don’t have a solid methodology to understand AND fix their issues themselves.

Therefore, for people to be able to MAINTAIN their gains for the rest of their lives, we must teach them how to become their own personal “therapist”, scientist and “coach” so they can eventually become independent and require minimal to no need of external help.

To learn more about Functional Patterns, read this 

Our services

Private consultation by video conference

(anywhere in the world !)

Private face-to-face sessions

Our private face-to-face training sessions are offered at our studio in Saint-Lambert.

Learn how to train, move and live pain free for the rest of your life.

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