A few days ago, someone on IG sent me a link to a podcast of a “movement expert” talking about posture and how to fix jaw asymetries.
I didn’t even bother watching it and almost instantly knew it was bullshit.
There were MANY reasons why I didn’t watch it and got that conclusion without even bothering to watch it, but here’s the main reason:
The guy has over 400K followers on IG, but doesn’t showcase anything to back the postural stuff he’s talking about online.
Of all his content, I only managed to find two very mediocre pictures of something that could look like a postural change, but those pictures were extremely badly taken and the changes were barely noticeable, to a point that I wouldn’t even consider these as “changes”… and to a point, I wouldn’t even be willing to share this myself.
Now yes, the guy has some testimonials of people saying that “this changed their lives”, but read this:
When I was working in pain management clinics as an osteo, I had people telling me this on a WEEKLY BASIS.
They’d say, “Sam… your treatment makes me feel SO good!! it’s really changing my life!”
I even had some patients messaging the clinic owner personally to let them know about it (without me asking).
Yet… I’d be willing to bet 500$ that 100% of those people are back at square 1 again as I’m writing this. (And probably even searching for another osteo or some magician that will fix their shit.)
So, those “I don’t have pain anymore” types of testimonials are good, but…
- It’s relatively easy to get those kinds of results.
- They can’t be considered as proof for the statements you’re making about correcting posture and jaw asymmetries!
Getting someone pain-free is something… But SHOWCASING how your methods will reshape the jaw or reshape any other body part is something A LOT different.
Yet somehow, people cram all of this in the same pile and consider this guy a genius in the field of postural correction.
For those of you who read that far in this text, let me ask you this:
Would planes fly today if, back in the day, people were more interested in making podcasts about “how to make planes fly”… instead of trying to make the damn plane fly?
Would we be able to build the rockets that go into space today if we were satisfied with listening to those with the prettiest and fanciest ideas?
None if all that would’ve happened if making podcasts and coming up with fancy theories was all we did.
We had to go in the field and fail until it actually worked.
So, why is it suddenly acceptable to listen to these quacks claiming they can change XYZ without being able to prove even 1% of what they're saying?
Why are we listening to guys saying they correct posture and all sorts of asymmetries while they don’t even bother proving it before making a podcast about it!?!
Now, when I said this to the person who sent me the podcast, she said I was arrogant, closed-minded and not open to other “ideas.”
Well, yes. I am closed-minded.
And, no. I am, in fact, not open to more ideas if these ideas are coming from people who simply has “ideas” but can’t implement.
I have about 150 ideas and assumptions a day on a bunch of topics, and every one else on this earth probably has ideas as well.
Yet, the rate at which true innovation take shape is relatively slow compared to the amount of ideas that people generate.
So, if no one can’t showcase anything…
Why is his ideas worth considering more than mine?! In fact, why are his ideas worth considering more than anyone else’s, for that matter !?!?
Guys, planes don’t fly because of ideas; Planes fly because of scientific thinking and EXECUTION.
That said, you can call me “closed-minded” for not wanting to bother with more ideas. But I think the proper term would actually be “minded”.
I have a mind and a judgement, and I like to use it well and keep it closed at the right time…
Because there’s no point in being open-minded to the point that your brain falls out.
If you believe in “nice ideas” with no proof, then what’s the point of being “open-minded” !?
How is this open-mindedness of yours helping you navigate life?
Being closed-minded is a bad thing when you refuse to acknowledge something that has evidence that proves you’re wrong.
But it’s actually “smart” to be closed-minded when being subjected to stupidity and ideas that don’t have anything substantial backing them up.
If you call yourself open minded but can’t consider that maybe your open mindedness is making you gullible…. it’s probably because you’re closed minded.
All this to say: Don’t drink somebody’s cool-aid simply because it sounds cool, folks.
Do some research, dig, and be critical of what you’re being subjected to…
And look at reality. Not what you would like reality to be.