For over a year and a half, Keven had been suffering from low back pain. Whether it was taking a simple walk, bending over too often or doing the dishes... his lower back was causing him trouble. When I first met him, he had difficulty walking for more than 15 minutes at a time, and sprinting could make his back flare up at any moment. Despite having tried various approaches, progress was lacking, and he was still at square one.
So, when Keven approached me, his primary goal was to fix his lower back pain. However, one of his goal was also to become fully independent in his capacity to train and fix his own problems.
Today, Keven can train, sprint and go on multi hour hikes without experiencing any issue with his back.
In his pictures, you can notice certain changes:
- Better abdominal pressure (side view)
- Better pelvis back alignement (side view)
- His lower back less compressed (back view)
- Overall less swelling (front view)
In his gait video, you can also notice:
- His capacity to go into full hip extension (less leaned forward)
- An Overall better range of motion and “fluidity”
- His capacity to use his arms and whole body to run